sumber : nenek uplene rheina,,, ^_^ mudah2an manfaat ya temen2,,, semangat!!!!!!
The WINNER is always part of the answer
The LOSER is always part of the problem
The WINNER says, 'Let me do it for you'
The LOSER says, 'That's not my job'
The WINNER sees an answer for every problem
The LOSER sees a problem in every answer
The WINNER goes through a problem
The LOSER goes around a problem and never gets to it
The WINNER says 'It may be difficult, but is possible'
The LOSER says 'It may be possible but it's too difficult'
The WINNER makes commitment
The LOSER makes promises
The WINNER focuses the gain
The LOSER focuses the pain
The WINNER is like a thermostat
The LOSER is like a thermometer
The WINNER makes it happen
The LOSER let it happen
Quiters never win
jangan berfikir "duuuhhhh gw yg mana ya,,," hehe,,, jangan teman2,,
mending yuk sama2 kita berusaha to be a WINNER!!!! ^_^
5 komentar:
pas lagi baca :jangan berfikir "duuuhhhh gw yg mana ya,,," hehe,,, jangan teman2,,----> padahal gw lagi mikir tuh, huahahahhaa
eh eh tapi serius ki, gw banyakan yg mana ya, sepertinya... biasa2 aja dah, ga winner ga loser juga! hahahahahahahaha
ahhhhh lu mah rata!!!!! kaya muke lo,, rata!!! hahahaha,,,,
be a winner donks ndut,,, minimal merajai treat dan komen di plurk hahahaha,,,,
Gua kayak baca training orang oriflame neh
Udah lama nggak kesini,tampilannya jadih berubah ginih
jadi bagus
never be looser
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